Monday, February 7, 2011

Footpath Repairs

Footpath Repairs
I have also been busy in this regard since there are some stretches of paths that are
in need of repair. Most notably some sections used by many walkers and school children along the
main road close to the entrance to Mounthawk Manor as one travels towards the
Again I contacted Kerry County Council, since the road (R551) is their responsibility.
The reply by e-mail is as follows:

“Footpaths on the R551 Caherslee Road are a priority of ours and we have been upgrading same over the past number of years. A proposed development (Murphy’s Farm) was to upgrade the section of footpath referred to in your e-mail as part of its proposed entrance. However, it is now very unlikely that this development will proceed. Therefore, the Roads, Transportation & Safety Dept. will prioritise this section for improvement in 2011 (subject to funding been made available).”

Again should you, the reader, have any queries with regard to hazardous public footpaths in your area, don’t hesitate to contact me and I will pass on the message:

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