Sunday, February 5, 2012

IDA not in Business in Kerry

Recent figures show that IDA Ireland have not been doing the business in Co. Kerry. If fact IDA Ireland grants to Co. Kerry were the second lowest after Co. Laois. This is something which many of us have suspected for quite some time now. Are our public representatives fully aware of this situation and what if anything are they doing about it? Co. Kerry has been crying out for inward foreign investment for many years yet there has not been a willingness to address the issue.

While I'm on the theme of jobs and industry or rather lack of, has anyone heard anything about
in recent times. We were all suppose to get really excited about this project but alas this excitement has vanished just like all the banners and posters around the town which purported to laud it's imminent arrival, ..........but that was months maybe.......years ago!
There's probably less hot air in this balloon. But then again I remain to be convinced as I have not measured the air volume of the balloon yet.

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