Thursday, February 9, 2012

Derrytresk violence - GAA too lenient

The GAA has once again failed to convince me that they are serious about stemming violence on and off the pitch. The fine imposed on Derrytresk is too lenient, the Club should have been fined €1000 per player involved in the violent behaviour. Such a fine should also be imposed on the Dromid Club where any of its player were involved. Not only should the Derrytresk Club be banned from participating / representing its county / province for the next 5 years, it should have been thrown out of the competition this year.
It is high time the GAA got serious and make it known that such violent activities will be punished severely and immediately.

While I am on this subject, GAA referees are not being afforded the respect and dignity that their counterparts get on the rugby field. Should the GAA not awaken from its slumber, in these matters soon, it may well find that it may not have a decent referee panel (s) to choose from for the big occasions or any occasion.

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