Monday, February 20, 2012

Ireland and (in) China

Enda Kenny (red tie) in appropriate attire for China.
Enda Kenny has, it has been revealed, negotiated in this past weekend a small space in China for the Irish population. With only 4.5 million (approx.) population and approx. 70,000 km squared Ireland will easily fit into China (and we won't be noticed in some corner). China's population of 1.4 billion (approx.) and an area of 9.6 million km squared (approx.) will cope with it's Western cousins without even knowing that we are there. 
We might even manage to sell this island to the Germans, to pay off the loans, and they can use it as a holiday and recreation destination. Really they can do as they wish with it.
Chinese language(s) classes are to be taken by all school going children in Ireland immediately in preparation for the big move in 2016. Adult classes will commence after the move.
Some graves of a select number (6) of Irish patriots will be exhumed and the remains will be brought with us to our new land. Years: 1014 to 1922 only.
Strict baggage restrictions will be in place for those on the move as Ryanair will be providing the air transport. The hold of each aircraft will be crammed with agricultural tools only. Those who wish to travel overland will get a six month head start.
All communications with the Western world will cease in the second quarter of 2015. Internet access and all telecommunications will be slowed and eventually halted except for those with a dial up connection. Mobile phone masts will be taken down and melted into useful agricultural tools.

More on this later........

All that remains to finalise the move is to choose a place where we, the Irish, can be accommodated in China
There will be more on this story later as of now negotiations are at a tender and early stage and really we are not supposed to know about it!

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