Monday, February 7, 2011

Establishing Community Council in Caherslee - Mounthawk Areas

Greeting for the Year 2011
Dear Neighbour,
As you are well aware, we are living in a time of great change, for many this change has brought great hardship. This change that has over-taken our lives has not been the fault of most of us, but we can make adjustments and turn some of the disadvantages to benefits. No one person or family need be alone in struggling to overcome any difficulty now or in the future. Our collective life experiences, expertise and wisdom must be channelled and harnessed to benefit all in our society
and community. We must maintain the hope that we ourselves can adapt to the situation that we find ourselves in and not rely solely on outside agencies or bodies. Collectively we can make life better and easier to manage. One of the ways of achieving this ‘collective easing’, as I refer to it, is to focus not only on our own situation but to broaden our view so that we encompass others around us. By doing this not only are we dealing withour own difficulties but the same difficulties that others experience. Now we have ‘shared collective easing’.
By this interaction we can all benefit.

I want you to carefully assess the following as a proposal, as a mechanism to achieve a shared collective approach to easing the difficulties which many in our community are experiencing today and to enhance our area through involvement by you.

The establishment of a Community Forum or Council* for the greater Caherslee—Mounthawk area.
(*The name is irrelevant at this point).

Why Establish A Community Council* In OUR Area?
• Local people are the best at determining what is best for our area and the needs of our community.
• A Community Council* is very effective when it is made up of local people working together for the
benefit of our area.
• Being organised and united is the best way to help each other, to develop our area, to promote our
area, to enhance the services and facilities in our area, in ways that we the community prefer.
• Share experience, expertise etc.

Aims of the Community Council*
• Promote the social, economic, cultural and environmental welfare of the entire community.
• Foster a sense of responsibility for the current and future needs of the local area
• To devise programmes of action and development to address these.
• To promote a spirit of neighbourliness and a community approach to solving problems common to the
entire community.
• Identifying local problems and needs and taking action to resolve them.
• The Community Council* will give everyone an opportunity to become involved in turning their community
into a better place thereby improving the quality of life for all
• Sharing of experiences, such as dealing with Local Authorities, planning issues, traffic management,
dealing with crisis situations etc.
• The Community Council* will not at any time supersede the remit of a local Residence Association that is
in existence.
• The Community Council* will assist in the establishment or re-establishment of local Residence
Associations, if requested to do so.
• The Community Council* will assist with such schemes or programmes that exist such as Neighbourhood
Watch etc.

The Community Council*
It will be the body which is elected by everyone over the age of 18 years in a geographical area encompassing all housing areas from Ballonagh Cross to Mounthawk.

How the Caherslee-Mounthawk Community Council* 
is to be set up.
A public meeting of all interested people from the area will be called. This meeting will be well advertised in advance. A Steering Committee will be elected at this meeting.

The Steering Committee

This is a temporary committee of local people which presides over and organises the setting up of the Caherslee-Mounthawk Community Council*.

The main responsibilities of this Steering Committee are to:
• Define and map the geographical boundary of the Caherslee-Mounthawk Community Council*
• Determine the size of the Community Council*
• Carry out the nomination and election  process to the Community Council*
• Disband once the Community Council* has been set up
• Members of the Steering Committee are eligible for nomination and to stand for election to the Community

More About the Community Council
Recent crises such as icy roads and footpaths, water shortages, elderly people unable to leave their homes, burst and leaking pipes etc. are just some of the issues which can be eased or aided by  implementing local plans of action.

The creation of a local database of contact people who are willing to assist people with their knowledge, expertise or actions in times of crisis.

Arranging and facilitating groups of people who share common interests such as gardening, walking, film, photography, education, fitness, history etc.

Local leisure and entertainment groups or societies such as in golf, art, drama or books etc. could enhance life for many in our community.

Existing local groups and / or societies such as in athletics, tidy towns, GAA etc. may get more exposure and interest from those who are not aware of how to join or contact them.

On-going or future planning and development issues which may need to be addressed locally can benefit from the experiences and expertise of those who have had inputs in this process.

As a community group the organisation of a ‘corporate’ approach to service providers such as fuel suppliers, waste disposal services, retailers and tradesmen etc. may improve and increase the opportunity
to influence a price decrease or price reduction for such goods and services.

Lobbyimg for services and improved services provided by the local authorities such as roads, public lighting, waste disposal etc. would be given greater weight coming from a single entity such as a community council*.

It is also my hope that this project would not in any way be controlled or commandeered by any political influence. The community council could however use whatever political influence it can marshal through individuals or groups to achieve its aims.

These are just some of the thoughts I have associated with the idea of establishing a local community council*.

Initially 5 Steps are required if this idea is to prosper. Each step is contingent upon the outcome of
the previous Step.

The First Step
Promoting the idea of a Community Council*.
The Second Step
Determine the Interest or Appeal of a Community Council*
The Third Step
Organise a Public Meeting where those with an interest in the idea can voice their views and opinions.
The Fourth Step
A further Public Meeting where a Steering Committee would be selected.
The Fifth Step
The Steering Committee arranges for the election of members to the Community Council*.

Time Frame
It is hoped that The First Step i.e. Promoting the Idea of a Community Council* through this notice and this BLOG will be in your homes during the first weeks of February 2011.

The Second Step i.e. Determining the Interest or Appeal of a Community Council*, through feedback and conversations with individuals etc. by the middle of February 2011.

The organisation of the first Public Meeting, The Third Step, no later than the second week of March 2011.

The Purpose of Establishing a Community Council* in the greater Caherslee—Mounthawk Areas:
• Promote the social, economic, cultural and environmental welfare of the entire community.
• Promote and continue the ongoing work, e.g. Tidy Towns, Neighbourhood Watch, Clubs and Societies
• Develop a spirit of community service, neighbourliness and self-reliance.
• Foster a sense of responsibility for the current and future needs of the local area and to devise programmes
of action and development to address these.

If you wish to register an interest, however vague or unclear that interest may be, in the idea of establishing a community council you may email:
TEXT to: 087 76 152 76
take part in the POLL in this BLOG

*NOTE: The term ‘community council’ or any reference to ‘council’ are merely a generic terms. I would welcome suggestions for alternative terms such as ‘forum’ etc.

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