Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tralee - Fenit Line

Tralee to Fenit Walk—Cycle
There has been much controversy in recent times regarding this topic.
If the ‘line’ is still held legally by CIE or Iarnrod Eireann then they and not any local interest have the right to stop walkers on the line. Those who have encroached on the line over the years surely have no right to prevent people from walking along the route. Yes, there are perhaps legitimate fears among some residents whose properties do border the route. Certain simple security measures can alleviate these fears.
Such a project, should it go ahead, would greatly enhance tourism and the local economy. Failte Ireland Tourism Reports consistently show that walking / hiking are the main attraction for tourists to this country.
I would certainly like to see a connection between the Tralee-Fenit line and the walk via the canal to Spa.
From Blennerville to the start of the Dingle Way there is also a need for a dedicated pathway separate from the road.
We must explore and develop these low-cost and necessary projects to enhance our environment to improve our attractiveness as a destination for foreign and local tourism. In the end all of us will benefit, however it is unfortunate that a small number of people cannot see the big picture.
Your views on this are welcome.

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