Tuesday, January 31, 2012


NCT Increases Fee
From 1st February 2012 the NCT fee will be 55. No increase in re-testing fee apparently. In 2011 this company who operates the NCT tested over 985,000 vehicles and  earned 50 million on first test alone nationally. Plus c. €12 million on re-tests in 2011. Now they have increased the fee by €5 per vehicle.
It comes as no surprise that the front suspension of vehicles was the main failure item given the number of potholes one has to negotiate.
The NCT do not give a breakdown (excuse the pun) of failures per county as this would be too revealing!
County Councils beware if they do this any time soon!

Roger Casement Exhibition

Roger Casement
The Crown Prosecutor, F.E. Smith who, in noting the cooperation of Kerry witnesses for the prosecution, lauded the people of Kerry for their 'loyalty to the Crown'.

A Major exhibition, by local Court Artist Mike O’Donnell, re-tracing the final journey of Casement—comprises 14 images in pen and ink on a 20 foot scroll of calico - in two separate lengths of 10 feet each–in Listowel on 11th February—will be officially opened by The Minister for Arts, Mr. Jimmy Deenihan, T.D.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Future of Tralee Tourism

Map of Tralee Bay Area
Courtesy: Ordnance Survey Ireland
An improvement in the tourism potential of Tralee into the future can only come about if a marketing package is designed and delivered which includes the whole of the Tralee Bay area. There is so much potential out there which cannot be ignored.

Home Security

Home Security
In this and future editions we will be including articles on Home Security issues. Many of you will be aware of the need to be more conscious in this regard. These are merely some good tips collated from a wide series of articles on the subject.
Burglary victims often wonder why the burglar picked on their house. To find out you need to consider:

"How does a burglar's mind work?"

Burglary, on the whole, is an opportunist crime. A burglar will select his target because it offers him the best opportunity to carry out his crime undetected and with the fewest number of obstacles in his way. A building that presents itself as unoccupied and insecure is far more likely to be targeted than one which is properly secured:
  • · side gates open
  • · accessible windows open
  • · ladders left out, allowing access to otherwise inaccessible windows
  • · garden tools available to force entry
  • · untrimmed hedges or high fences preventing natural surveillance

Each of these makes access to the building far simpler and is an indication to the prospective burglar that it's worth a second look.

The question is, are the occupants in?

  • · milk bottles or parcels on the doorstep
  • · newspapers and mail in the letter box
  • · unlit houses after dark
  • · all windows shut in very hot weather

These are signs telling the burglar that he is unlikely to be disturbed in the course of his work. Naturally, circumstances may arise when such situations may be unavoidable. If we can take measures that tell the burglar that this building is too difficult or too risky a target, he will hopefully move on.

Are you leaving a thief the key to your house?
· never leave a spare key concealed anywhere near the front door - burglars know all the hiding places
· prevent letterbox burglaries by storing keys away from the front door

  • do not label your house keys in case you lose them and they fall into the wrong hands.
  • Remove temptation—where possible, try to keep valuables out of sight from windows.

Make it look as though your house is occupied

· install timers which switch lights or radios on and off automatically.
· have a neighbour or friend pop round to clear your letter box or doorstep.
· encourage a neighbour to park on your drive.

  • if going out after dark, draw the curtains, leave some lights on and a radio playing.

If you are away for extended periods.

  • · cancel the delivery of milk and newspapers
  • · disconnect the telephone answering machine, or re-word your greeting message to give the impression that you are only temporarily unable to answer.
  • · enlist the help of a neighbour, friend or relative to keep a regular eye on your property and keep the front door clear of deliveries.
  • · if you are prepared to leave a key with a willing neighbour/relative, ask for curtains to be drawn and lights to be put on at night. If snow is on the ground a few footprints will make the house appear inhabited.
  • · check your insurance policy. Some insurance policies for contents don't cover you if you are away for more than 30 days.
  • · set your burglar alarm.
  • · if you do not have an alarm, consider investing a few pounds in a dummy alarm box. It may well deter the opportunist thief.

Remove the Opportunity - Prevent the Burglary

Parking in Cycle Lanes

It is not only illegal to park motor vehicles in cycle lanes, it is particularly dangerous for cyclists. Some people need to be far more responsible for their actions in this regard. Very short term parking in a cycle lane, may be necessary, but not acceptable. Long term parking in cycle lanes is totally unacceptable and extremely irresponsible. The provision of cycling lanes is necessary to (a) provide a safe lane for cyclists, (b) give cyclists their own space and therefore encourage proper lane discipline, (c) prevent, as far as possible, serious accidents, etc. There is blatant and irresponsible disregard for this in many areas.
Penalty Points System - Parking a Vehicle in a Dangerous Position = Mandatory Court Appearance + 5 Points on License + a Court Fine.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Management of the Public Service

The Irish Public Services would be far more efficient if managers were appointed because of their skills, experience and competencies rather than being appointed to positions because of political patronage.

Caherslee Road and Footpaths

While we welcome the new surface on the Caherslee road, it was long, long overdue. There are still parts of the footpath along the route that need attention urgently. This is especially so since so many people walk the route and because of the many school children who use the route to and from schools in the area.
It is a wonder that while completing the works on the footpaths that there was no attempt to install the 'tactile' paving in places where one needs to stop or step off paths.

Tralee - Fenit Walk - Cycle Way

Tralee to Fenit Walk—Cycle
There has been much controversy in recent times regarding this topic.
If the ‘line’ is still held legally by CIE or Iarnrod Eireann then they and not any local interest have the right to stop walkers on the line. Those who have encroached on the line over the years surely have no right to prevent people from walking along the route. Yes, there are perhaps legitimate fears among some residents whose properties do border the route. Certain simple security measures can alleviate these fears.
Such a project, should it go ahead, would greatly enhance tourism and the local economy. Failte Ireland Tourism Reports consistently show that walking / hiking are the main attraction for tourists to this country.
I would certainly like to see a connection between the Tralee-Fenit line and the walk via the canal to Spa.
From Blennerville to the start of the Dingle Way there is also a need for a dedicated pathway separate from the road.
We must explore and develop these low-cost and necessary projects to enhance our environment to improve our attractiveness as a destination for foreign and local tourism. In the end all of us will benefit, however it is unfortunate that a small number of people cannot see the big picture.
Your views on this are welcome.

Traffic Survey Main Caherslee Road early September 2011

Traffic Survey
This was just a snap-shot survey at the time, however I do intend to complete further survey in the coming weeks/months. The figures above are based only on traffic entering the town between the hours of 08.25 and 09.25. In September 2005 Caherslee News published a traffic survey which resulted in 954 vehicle from 08.10 to 09.40 entering the town on the Caherslee Road. Since then the Bracker O’Regan Road has been opened and therefore may be taking some traffic in other directions. Future surveys will be published soon.

Our Winter Weather

Our Winter Weather

Winter Weather
Fortunately, we have thus far escaped the dreaded snowy conditions of the winters of 2009 and 2010, in fact we have had a very mild winter this year. The following table indicates the temperatures (average temperature in degrees Celsius and average precipitation in mm for the nearest recording weather station to Tralee at Liscahane—this information is freely available on: www.met.ie)
This information is far more accurate for us here in Tralee rather than the information which is recorded at Valentia Observatory in Cahersiveen.
The weather which we have had in recent months is much more the norm for our location and historical records do prove this. In the next issue I will include a table of temperatures and precipitation for the months of December and January over an extended period

Political Correctness Gone Mad!

How Mad is That?
In February of last year gardeners in Surrey were told they could not use wire mesh on the windows of their sheds because burglars might get hurt breaking in (!). 
A man was arrested for holding two burglars with a toy gun while he contacted the police!
An American tourist in England was arrested for defending herself from attack, in the underground train, with an offensive weapon—her penknife.
Political Correctness gone mad!
More on this later, if you have thoughts let us know.

Enhancing a Walkers Experience

What can You Do to Welcome Visitors to Our Area?
As you may be aware, since the opening of the Bracker O’Regan Road (‘Fat Mile’) there have been many visitors passing through Mounthawk –Caherslee.
To enhance their experience, as walkers, you might consider the following:
· Cut back or trim hedges or trees that are growing onto the road / path.
Trimmed hedges and bushes are more aesthetically pleasing to the eye rather than injurious to the eye!

Traffic Survey Main Caherslee Road early September 2011


Tralee - Fenit Line

Tralee to Fenit Walk—Cycle
There has been much controversy in recent times regarding this topic.
If the ‘line’ is still held legally by CIE or Iarnrod Eireann then they and not any local interest have the right to stop walkers on the line. Those who have encroached on the line over the years surely have no right to prevent people from walking along the route. Yes, there are perhaps legitimate fears among some residents whose properties do border the route. Certain simple security measures can alleviate these fears.
Such a project, should it go ahead, would greatly enhance tourism and the local economy. Failte Ireland Tourism Reports consistently show that walking / hiking are the main attraction for tourists to this country.
I would certainly like to see a connection between the Tralee-Fenit line and the walk via the canal to Spa.
From Blennerville to the start of the Dingle Way there is also a need for a dedicated pathway separate from the road.
We must explore and develop these low-cost and necessary projects to enhance our environment to improve our attractiveness as a destination for foreign and local tourism. In the end all of us will benefit, however it is unfortunate that a small number of people cannot see the big picture.
Your views on this are welcome.