Thursday, September 20, 2012

Con Houlihan, a portrait

Portrait of renowned Kerryman Con Houlihan to be unveiled tomorrow in Castleisland library. This portrait is the work of  Kerryman Mike O'Donnell who is the Court Sketcher at the Irish Criminal Courts Mike has also produced significant portraits of other historical figures such as Roger Casement which is on display in Casement Station, Tralee.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ireland's Newest Blood Sport!

In Ireland today we are on the verge of officially sanctioning the latest blood sport. For the past few years this sport has been tried and tested to ensure that it meets all the requirement to gain full sanction. The media and the politicians were the first to recognise that this sport could be very fruitful for their respective agendas.

As I write it seems that the games are on and the final for the first round of the games will be in early December 2012. The referees and umpires have been chosen and the fields of play have been readied.

Referees and umpires : Government Ministers
Fields of play : Media outlets (print and broadcast)

The Game:  Who can create the best and most efficient battle ground for the
Public v's Private Sectors

The main sponsor: The Budget

WARNING: This game will last for 3 months and will make distressing reading/viewing. It is recommended that this Game is not suitable for children under 4 or pensioners.

NOTE: Podcasts and Archive material will be available throughout. See press for details.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tralee Town Park - Hands OFF!

We are merely custodians of Tralee Town Park which has served as an oasis of calm and tranquility for Tralee people for decades. We have no right to change it's current status as gifted to the town in the early 1900's.
I ask for a special vote of the towns people in regard to any proposed changes that may now be proposed.
The decision to change any part of the Town Park should not solely be in the hands of councillors or town managers.
I would also like to know when the plan for the proposed roadway was first investigated. In the current economic climate it is very noticeable that traffic volumes have decreased significantly. Why then is it necessary to propose this alteration and serious invasion of Tralee Town Park